Sunday, December 26, 2010

Good Christmas

We moved into our new house a few days before Christmas and with the moving, didn't have as much time as usual to worry about stuff. We bought a new sectional sofa and that was our gift to each other. Then we bought each other a few needed items--shoes, slippers, jeans, socks, etc. I took a day off on Thurs. and Fri. was a holiday day so worked hard to get things unpacked and the house in order--was impossible to do it all. We went to church on Christmas Eve and then decided not to bother wrapping gifts, etc since we knew everything that we had bought for each other--couldn't find the tape anyway! Christmas morning I found the tape and wrapped gifts for T&T and baked my cookies (dough was in the fridge). Then continued sorting things while the roast beef was cooking. T&T were both on call so we ate in shifts but it was still good to spend the evening with them.

Good to be in the house even though we're living with lots of boxes and clutter. Have a few people looking at the old house to rent--met with a couple today that we both felt comfortable about. Wade is showing it to some others tomorrow. Pray that something works out, please. We still have some things to move and have to spend some time cleaning up.

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and have a great new year!

Friday, December 24, 2010

I've located my sketch pad and am redrawing these (and Bob) in it. I will need to draw them on my paint boards as well. Going to get a lot of practice. No more scrap paper, unless, of course, it happens. For now, this is as far as I'm going with these sketches.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

OK, some minor changes here and there. Getting closer all the time. I see some of Aunt Renee here. Which one do you think is better?

Saturday, December 18, 2010

How's that for a first draft? Less than one hour, start to finish. I used this photo, but tilted it 10 degrees right so that the drawing (and portrait wouldn't lean so heavily to the left. The baby is not mine.

Beth, why do you have to be so difficult? I've spent hours working on this, tweaking it here, adjusting there, and still don't have it right. The last 2% is the killer. Excellent practice, though.

Phyl, would this be easier if she wasn't looking directly at the camera?

I spent a few minutes making some small changes, e.g., ear is longer, eyes modified, nose slightly wider at the bottom, mouth slightly shorter and tilted a little, hat 1/4" taller, etc. I like this one. There is a softness in Bob's face that isn't in the previous one.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

We've Arrived

Tonight is the first night in our new house. Right now it's a big mess! And cold--gotta get it filled up with heat and dried out. Big adjustment after more than 30 years in our other house. I'm tired from work today so gonna get the bed made and take a shower so there's no holdup when the time comes to crawl in. Love you all.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

After three attempts, this is what I've come up with as a preliminary sketch. I drew this on the back of a printed page, as I did the others. You can see the lines of type through the sheet. Sorry, I ran out of boards to paint on and am in the process of stocking up. Needless to say, there will be at least one more sketch.

The more I do this the more I find enjoyment in it. Too bad it didn't catch until I was 51.

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Using Photo Shop as a Tool

I did a bit of editing on the photo. Here's four versions for you to study. One is greyscale, one sepia tone, one sepia with noise reduction to simplify the values, and one posterized to break them into distinct patterns. This is what you need to learn to see with your own eyes but it takes some time and lots of practice so the computer and any photo editing program becomes a good tool to help you see the pattern of light and dark values.

One this one, I'd like to see you try for color variation too but still working with the same three colors that you did on the last. Try for a warm and cool contrast as well as light and dark. More blue in the hat and less blue in the skin.

Also, devise a system for beginning color charts. It could be any sturdy white board or paper--cheap is fine. Convenient size would be binder or file--whatever works for you. Label the color (including brand name) that you are using and paint small squares of every combination of that color that you can mix. In this case, it would be Ultramarine Blue, Burnt Sienna, and Titanium White. Can be a bit tedious but someday it'll be valuable to you and if you do them along with the painting that you are working on, it won't take too long.

Saturday, December 04, 2010

OK, Phyl, I have these photos. Which one is the best candidate? Can you Photoshop like you did for Cindy?

Friday, December 03, 2010

Except for adjusting color here and there, I don't know what else to do. Problem with color is that I never get it the same two times in a row, so it's always going to be off a little. I guess that will improve with experience.

Unless you have some other pointers, I am going to stop.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

You're Close

You went a little lighter in those spots than I was thinking but it does look better. I did a little photoshop edit (not too good at that) to show you about the level of darkness. Also you should "soften" the line between her face and hair with a few tiny wisps of hair. Very slight differences but helps. You did very well on this one! Does Cindy like it???