Saturday, December 18, 2010

Beth, why do you have to be so difficult? I've spent hours working on this, tweaking it here, adjusting there, and still don't have it right. The last 2% is the killer. Excellent practice, though.

Phyl, would this be easier if she wasn't looking directly at the camera?

I spent a few minutes making some small changes, e.g., ear is longer, eyes modified, nose slightly wider at the bottom, mouth slightly shorter and tilted a little, hat 1/4" taller, etc. I like this one. There is a softness in Bob's face that isn't in the previous one.


  1. Might be easier if her head was turned a bit toward the side but you're doing well with it as is. I think her nose is a little wide at the bottom. In the photo her nose is approx. the same width as her eye but in the sketch is a bit wider than the eye. And adding a bit of hair to the viewers right wouldn't hurt even though it's not showing in the photo.

  2. Yes, I see what you're saying about the nose. I actually had more hair to the right, but took it out because it made it seem lop-sided. I'll take another look, though.

    Have you gotten pictures from the others? Do you have one of Laura, Mom, or Dad? I'm going to start drawing these in my sketchbook instead. I have to prep my boards, but need to do that outside and right now it's too cold to prime them. Soon...

  3. I'm between two houses and don't know what I have or where it is!!!

    Just a few whisps of hair on the empty side should do it.

  4. Roge,
    Kath says this is a weird picture of me...She wants to take a few more to send to you! I'll send them along this week! You do a great job with eyes which I think would be hard, but I think the mouths are a little "off" on all of them. Not being critical, I certainly can't do it, and I have no idea how to fix them, just know they aren't quite right.... beyond that I think that my chin and neck are off, but Kath pointed out that it is probably because in the picture my turtleneck gets a little in the way....Keep it up - they look good!

  5. Well, I have to redraw all of these onto my boards, so they will be somewhat different anyway. I think, Beth, that your mouth needs to be made slightly smaller both directions. Phyl mentioned your nose. I think I'm going to make your face just a little narrower and see what that does. Anyhow, submit as many pics as you want. We'll make one of them work.

    What do you mean that you cant do it? How do you know? Have you tried? I used to say that I could draw a salary if it had a job attached. You might be surprised.
