Saturday, October 23, 2010


Meant to get on here and talk about Dad on his birthday but I didn't get it done.... Just wanted to remember him and think about how he influenced my life.... They lived a very simple life and we didn't have a lot of money but I don't think we ever wanted for anything especially food. I never went to bed hungry and never felt like we didn't have enough to eat. There are many things that he taught us especially how to work hard and "accomplish something", but also how to treat everybody no matter their status in life, their skin color, or even if other people didn't like them. I love you, Dad and miss you alot...


  1. I thought about him a lot that day too. Hear his words in my head and coming out my mouth pretty often. Miss you, Daddy! Love, Phyl

  2. Yes, I meant to mention something the other day and completely forgot about it. When I went on Facebook, I used one of his quotes--"You do what you can, you do what you have to, you don't always do what you want." I can't think of a better way to put it.

    One way he (and Mom) keep coming through is in the way I treat my work. Every job is approached the same, regardless as to how nice or nasty, how much or how little profit, how much money the people have or don't have. I make an effort to not make any distinctions or show favortism. People respect that.

  3. Phyl, who is Savita? I thought we had taken care of this problem. Would you look into it?

  4. I changed back because Helen wasn't able to comment. And I found a button to report spammers and delete their post so I'll attempt to find it again and do the same with this one.
