Saturday, November 20, 2010

What I would have you do if you were my student

I changed Cindy's photo to a sepia tone and enhanced the values (lightness vs darkness) a bit. I would suggest that you mix Ultramarine Blue, Burnt Sienna, and white (Permalba White would be my choice but Titanium will do). Use only those colors and paint the portrait. When everything is in the proper place and you are satisfied with all of your shapes and values, let it dry. After a few days, you can use other colors and just scrub them very thinly over the dry paint. If you don't like something that you have done, you can use a little oil to clean it off and try again.


  1. I have Ultramarine Blue, Burnt Sienna, and Titanium White. I'll give it a shot. It looks like I'm going to have a few days off work due to weather and holiday, so I have some time. Gracias, Maestra! Ser un estudiente bueno yo atento.

  2. Good--another thing that you can do which may help is to "posterize" the picture in a photo editing program. That might help you define the shape of the highlights in the face a bit more. Eventually you'll be able to see them without doing that but there is no reason to not use every tool available to you to help you with the learning process. Will be looking forward to the results.
