Thursday, June 17, 2010

Aren't they beautiful?

Of course, they are. They take after me. Seriously, though, do you think I'm getting any better or should I pack it in?


  1. I think they look great...not an artist by far but think you did a good job with the shading/highlighting. Their faces are a little wider and the shape of Brianna's mouth is not quite right but a great job!! My bigger question is.... Where did the babies go?...last I saw them they were babies.

  2. DO NOT be talking about "packing it in"! You've done well so far and shown that you've got the ability. But there is a lot to learn. And portraiture is a difficult genre. Stick with it as long as you are enjoying it. Don't put too much pressure on yourself to paint like a pro when you've really only just begun.

    If you really want to learn to do portraits, you might have better success learning on "generic" faces rather than someone that you know. For example: the American Indian--very distinctive features and strong coloring. If you can get your hands on Harley Brown's book, "Eternal Truths for Every Artist", you could learn a lot by copying some of his work.

    Another thing you might try is painting in monotone--use burnt umber, ultramarine blue, and white which will give you a wide range of greys and allow you to study the structure of the faces and the lights and shadows without the struggle of matching flesh tones.

    And if you are going to work from photos, you REALLY need a photo with stronger contrasts between the lights and darks. Strong shadows make for better paintings.

    I think you're doing great!

  3. And, yes indeed, they are beautiful!

  4. Don't get so hot, I was only kidding. Are you kidding? I've discovered something which I have talent for and can only get better at. Give it up? Wash your mouth out!!

    I certainly do appreciate the advice. And the critique, Beth. I knew I didn't have the shapes quite right when I was working on them, but wasn't aware what was wrong until I posted them side by side on the blog, and then saw instantly where I had gone wrong. Since you noticed that, you might have some latent artist in you as well.

  5. Yeow! I just looked Harley's book up on Amazon!!! Think I'll track mine down and put it under lock and key!

  6. Just one of the hazards of online posting. See my caution below on Bob's post.

  7. Yeah, I know. It's in two posts so if it continues, I'll try to mess with the settings and block it.

  8. Maybe it's something they can just send to all blogs on Blogger???

  9. I'm thinking about going to her blog and saying something to the effect that I will not ever consider buying her product.

  10. Helen, I think it's spam. Not allowed but they still manage to do it.

    Rog, you're neither cool enough nor wealthy enough for those shoes! teehee. Well, maybe you are, but just not materialistic enough.

  11. No latent artist here Roge.... my artistic talents lay in other areas - Like in coordinating and positioning other's creative masterpieces into a pleasing display!! Love to decorate and such, but don't have the patience for the creation of said "masterpieces"!!

  12. Actually, anyone who stumbles across our blog can read it and anyone who has a Google account can leave comments. I would recommend contacting Blogspot for help. I think there is also a way to go to a "chat room" from the blog and get advice from people who have experience.

    You might be able to change the controls, Phyl, so that others can read but not comment.
