Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Warning!! Be careful when opening!

As always, Cindy looks better than I do. Didn't have any problem painting her, but myself, whoeeeee, and still didn't get it anywhere near right. But ya gotta quit sometime, so it is what it is.


  1. OK--so now you know how demanding portraiture is! But at least you're still trying. Try enough times and you'll suddenly find yourself "breaking through". I've been "on hiatus" from painting for awhile now due to too many other things going on. But I'm thinking about it and planning how to redefine myself as an artist.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I suppose you could paint Impressionistic and sign your name Rennieoir.

  4. You paint and sketch really good :)
    and in the painting, you guys look equally as good
    good job!

  5. It seems that we have a visitor from outside. Welcome, KK, and thanks for the compliments. If you want to see her blog, click on KK above.
