Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Last Piece Is In Place

The carport, sunporch, & deck were added over the last couple of weeks so the house is completely framed. This addition makes it look much larger even though it's only the size of a two car garage. But because of the height, it looks big. Wade has been shingling the roof since the weather was so good and working on the insulation too. It's coming along really well and keeping him busy. No nibbles on this house--actually very few lookers--so no reason to rush to finish. And with the holidays coming, I suspect traffic will become even slower.


  1. It looks beautiful!! Love the deck--just to sit out there with a cup of coffee!! The good life!!

  2. Let me know when you're coming and I'll put the pot on! Hopefully someday we'll get to "the good life"--teehee.

  3. Is the deck towards the "wet lands" then?

  4. We'll be coming up on the 27th of December and staying three days. One of those, maybe the 28th or 29th, I'd like to drive over, see you, and do the grand tour complete with the coffee pot on the deck. Let me know if you will be available.

    House looks great, but it doesn't look to me like the last piece is in place yet. What does the Shadow think?

  5. I meant the last piece of the structure--not the finish.

    We should be around and would enjoy seeing you. I'll have a better grip on the plan later on.

    Shadow thinks the deck is for him!

  6. Hey! What happened to my post about the wetlands? I was answering Helen's question.

    If you look at the top photo--- If you were standing on the deck facing the left hand side, you would be looking over the wetlands on the neighboring property. We have a small wet area on our property, under the power lines so there is two reasons that we cannot build there. But it is only about 20-30 feet across. The property next to ours is 38 acres and 35 acres of it is wetland (swamp).
