Saturday, July 24, 2010

Little bit of variety--#8

This is Stella Artois Patterson. She owns the house which Rex and Wendy live in.
There is a beer named Stella Artois. I don't like it, Rex does. He says that the cat gets more attention than he does. Anyway, I told Wendy that I would paint a picture for her and she gave me this one.

I've tried repeatedly to upload the original for comparison, but can't seem to get it. I'll keep working on it.


  1. Looks to me like her head is too big in proportion to her body--maybe the photo is that way but, since this is a painting, you could compensate unless the cat really does look that way. And why does she have whiskers on only one side?

  2. See the original. The whiskers are there on both pictures, they only show on one side. However, if you look closely, you can see them. So, OK, you're right about the proportion, but I'm not going to try and change it. I'd probably only mess it up. It is what it is.

  3. This is the second go-round. On the first sketch, she looked like a beach ball. Way too fat, so I slimmed her down some. Guess maybe I over-compensated.

  4. No--don't mess it up. I'm sure they will like it just as it is.
