Friday, July 09, 2010

See Posts below.

Would this be better treated as a printed poster and not a painting? Am I missing something here?


  1. No you're not missing something--see comment below. It's two different art forms--both valid--simply different. But if you make it into a painting, make it look like a painting. Don't try to make it look like a photo. My reason for the purple vs. black thinking.

  2. Purple vs. black? I guess I missed it. Where is your comment below?

  3. Grrrrrrrrrrrr!
    And it was a lengthy, well thought out comment too!


  4. Well, the Grrrrrrrrrs are quite lengthy too. Don't take a lot of thought, though. It was nice that you took a little time out to interject the comment.

    Thanks for the help. I think I understand what you're drrrrrrrrrrriving at.

  5. So.....will we be seeing a painting from this reference photo?

  6. When I get it finished. Patience, my dear girl, is still a virtue.

  7. All I meant was--did you decide to paint it or only print the photo? Don't be testy with me, my dear boy.

  8. Sounds to me like you're the one getting her dander up. I'm going to paint it without the script. With the script, it will be a poster, if I ever get a rountuit, which Bob said he would send when he got a design, which I haven't sent yet because I haven't got a...Whoa, wait a minute here, this could go on all night. Circular reasoning is great. You can justify anything with it if you try hard enough.
