Monday, February 22, 2010

New house, new job

Well been at my new job (actually working for Berty) for a week now. I really like it and I think she does too..It's going really good. Learning more and more. Lots of paperwork and some phones and other stuff but a very nice variety and so makes the day go fast. It's a lot more of up and down, rather than just sitting at a desk all day processing dental claims. Very interesting....

Gary and Brad are still in Lancaster County..Getting our house ready to sell. Takes time and then you have to wait til the inspector, mold specialist, the appraisal person and all come out. Had to have some plumbing done, also thought there was mold in attic--the tester comes out tomorrow so hopefully that will pass.., also had to have electric work done... So...still waiting on the septic system..Hopefully they will either retest and pass ...or we'll reduce our price to sell it...

Was looking at houses up here over the weekend...Saw 3 and have more that I want to see..Property values and prices have went up up here because now they are drilling for natural gas soo....We'll see... what all that turns out to be...

Oh well, talk to you soon.. Staying with Bert and Ed right now..will let you know more when I know it..Love ya..


  1. Hey, Hon, do you remember how bossy Berty was when we were young? And how stubborn and defiant you were? Things sure change, don't they. Or have they? Hope it works out well for you.

  2. Neither Helen nor I remember anything like that. YOU must have "warped childhood memories!" :)

  3. Tell her to give you a big raise!!! teehee.

    Hope the house sale and search for a new one goes smoothly. I didn't know they were drilling for gas up there. We don't have drilling in Lackawanna county yet but the leases have all been bought so I guess it'll be here soon enough.
