Saturday, March 06, 2010

Hot Dog, I'm back!!

Been a while since I've put in my two cents. I've got a good excuse.

I've been taking this class with Cindy on Web Design. Not a good teacher and except for her and I, everyone else is a kid who doesn't know much. I get the general idea in class, but homework is where I really learn the stuff. It seems that I learn best by making a change, one change at a time, and then checking to see what the effect is.

Let me tell you something. HTML is a challenge and I am stretching myself to learn it. Unfortunately, this doesn't leave a lot of time for painting, but I'm not concerned about it. There'll be time enough for that later.

The creative side of me is really coming out of the closet. Nothing would please me more than to be able to make a decent living at my computer or easel (if I had one) and be able to get out of the construction business, which has served me well, but is getting old.

Time will tell. For now, I'm going to learn everything I can in these areas and trust that God will make it happen.

Love you all.

p.s. By the way, it seems that the posting has slowed to a crawl. Where are we at with this?

1 comment:

  1. Oh good! Glad you're learning that stuff so I can take advantage of you when I start my next career--you must owe me something for some reason, right? teehee.

    I haven't had so much to say lately--just struggling to keep up with all of the stuff that we're trying to get done. But I'll post an update soon.
