Friday, July 24, 2009

Hi all,
Just sitting here enjoying a relatively quiet day. Did not have to go to work today, my hours have been cut back to 32 a week. Amanda and Nate left last night to head to Groton, Connecticut, where he will be stationed for 3 years. At least they are not as far away as Hawaii. Will miss them much, though. Roger and Rose both had to work, and I spent my time today getting ready for the reunion tomorrow. This is the first time that I didn't have to do everything at night to get ready. Sort of nice, now if the weather holds, .... Oh well, we have a couple of tents that Dale Bunnell lets us use for the reunion, and I backed my chicken pits into the woodshed, so even if it rains, we should be fine. Will be a great time, I'm sure - it always is. Always good to see family, some of them I don't see any other time of the year. As I go on in life, I am more and more realizing how special our family is. We have some characters, but that is what spices it all up.
Some time in the near future, we will get you all directions to where our family reunion will be this year. Plan to go over there and drive into it so that I can get real good directions, then will post them to you. Hope you all plan to come to it, looking forward to seeing you all.
Better go for now, need to run to town for some last minute things for tomorrow.
We love you all.
Bob & Rose

1 comment:

  1. Well, I'm just sitting here trying to figure out how to build my website. I'll tell you, it ain't easy, but I think I've gotten past the first page.

    Hoping that I'll be able to make it to the "reunion", but we'll have to wait and see. Cindy wants to visit at Christmas and that may be all we can do.

    Wishing everyone a great weekend.
