Monday, July 13, 2009

The older I get, the more I realize how little time I have left. Whenever someone I know passes on, the stronger that realization becomes. "What is man...? He appears for a little while, like the morning fog and then vanishes in an instant under the bright morning sun." All right, that's not exactly how it goes, but the essence is identical.

Any road, now is not the time to draw back, hunker down, and put our dreams and visions away because our time grows shorter every day. Au contraire, we need to push ahead, perhaps accelerate the pace, certainly keep the goal in mind. Who knows? With enough time and by the grace of God, we may actually achieve what we set out to do.

I think of Phyllis and the house she is building or Bob's business. Dreams! At one time these were dreams, but by maintaining faith and working toward them one day at a time, the dreams are beginning to come alive. My best to both of you.

In some way or another, all of us have these dreams that we want to see. Mine is to live in the mountains, to build a log cabin the old-fashioned way, using modern conveniences, of course, like a chain saw or a concrete mixer. I'm not totally insane. I have a large map of Montana taped to the wall above my computer, with a smaller poster beside it which reads


or Bust!

Will I make it? Will I ever get there? The answer, of course, has to be a resounding, unequivocal, "Yes, absolutely!" It has to be or I never will. If I don't build that dream, make it happen, in the time I have left, who will?

God willing, I'll see it through.


  1. Yep. you gotta have your dreams!!! Even if it's just getting the house the way you want it (remodeled and finished) or something much bigger like Montana.

    That's one of the things that make me sad about Bill and Morgan---the loss of potential and loss of "what they will be when they grow up." I would have like to see Bill get his life straighten out and be something great--with his drawing or whatever...and would have liked to see what Morgan did in her life..Makes me sad..will tell you more about the service and all later, ya...enjoy the ones you've got here on earth 'cuz you never know when they are gone...hadn't seen Bill for awhile but now....wished I would have...

  2. I saw Morgan when I was up, but not Bill. Told Cindy last week that I wish I had. Problem is that I couldn't see everyone, so I'm not going to have regrets. I wish that we could break through to Jen, but until she's ready to see us, there's not a lot we can do but hope and pray. I'm slowly learning that the people I spend time with and the time I spend with other people are all that matters. The other stuff is really just "stuff".

  3. P.S. Montana really is much bigger--about three times the size of Pennsylvania, with a population about only 800,000 more or less. Elbow room, galore, and plenty of fresh air.

  4. roger I really hope your dream comes true for you , sounds awesome
