Wednesday, July 22, 2009

"All's Well That Ends Well"

You might remember the photos of the room addition I posted some time ago for which I did a lot of the design work. Here are a couple shots of the finished product. Sorry about the shadow. If you click on the thumbnail, the picture will blow up and give you better detail. Is that a pink door, or what? Her choice, and I didn't argue.

Didn't have any trouble with the county inspectors, job is completely done, she's happy and loves the room, paid in full. Guess you can't get any better than that.

P.S. No, we didn't build the room off level. Must have been the fault of my camera. You know the saying--"A good carpenter always blames his tools."

P.P.S. Phyl, I took the picture of Shadow standing at the edge of the hole and set it as background on my monitor. It looks great.


  1. Be careful putting that dog on your computer--he DROOLS!!! teehee.

    The addition looks nice. Always good when they pay.
