Sunday, July 26, 2009

Montana is getting closer and closer. I am trying to stay focused on the goal and not let the present circumstances get in the way. "Without faith, it is impossible..."

I want to go out there with a minimum of $10,000.00 cash on hand, not including my credit card ($3500.00) which I can use if I have to. At present, the card carries a balance of $145.00, which I will pay off next week. We also have a moving fund right now of over $2200.00. This means that if we move in nine months as planned, we have to put away at least $867.00 per month. Between Cindy and I, there is no reason why we can't make it work, especially if:

1. She keeps her job, and,

2. I find enough Saturday work to pad the account.

Since I can't guarantee anything and have to work with the cards dealt to me, I am prepared to accept that God may throw me a curve, that I may stay in Jax instead. However, I am living in faith, believing that each day is bringing me one day closer to my goal and I believe that it is going to happen. You can help me by doing one thing: praying that I will continue in that.

Ahh, yess! I can feel it now, before you get this. Montana, here we come.

I love you all!


  1. Is Cindy as excited about Montana as you are? I'm sure it will work out but sometimes the plans do get delayed--I know about that!

  2. Why do we suddenly have underlining?

  3. Not sure. was surprised when I first got on that Bob's Blog from yesterday was underlined..didn't notice that yesterday...

    Keep striving, Roge!! If at first you don't suceed, try, try try... I hope you can make it and go out there and make a living out there also...Have you checked out jobs out there as far as what's in the papers and all? Not that you can find Something but....just was curious!!

  4. What underlining? I don't see any underlining. Good thing at least one of us knows what to do. Actually, if you look at the last line on my post, you will see underlining. I had simply forgotten to code in the end tag for that and it just kept on going. Sort of like the Energizer Bunny.

    And, yes, Cindy is ready to make a move. Since the kids are gone, she doesn't have anything to hold her here and she wants a log cabin with a fireplace. Especially the fireplace.
