Monday, February 23, 2009

Took all day to land this one!!

In case you're wondering, I happened to catch this one while Cindy and I were vacationing at Destin last summer. What a whopper! I can't believe it!
Probably you don't either. Doggone it!
Actually, we did get the photo there, but the shark was cast out of some type of man-made material. Makes for a good story, though.
Destin was nice. It has beautiful white, sugar sand beaches with crystal clear, emerald green water. Just gorgeous!! If you ever get a chance to go, you should.
We spent three days tent camping at a state park. It rained for two of those. We had taken a lot of firewood to burn, but the rangers wouldn't let us because of a fire ban in that region due to extreme drought conditions. Wasn't a chance of anything catching fire, but they wouldn't bend the rules. However, we did find out our tent was waterproof and caught up on a lot of sleep.
The third day was real nice so we got some beach time. Cindy is a beach person and wants to go back. I'm not, so I told her to find someone else who loves the beach as much as she does and go with her. Or she might take Joey. I've seen it. It's a long drive. I don't think I'll be going back.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you finally contributing!

    Had to click on the photo to enlarge it and make sure that was you--it was--I'd know that silly smerk anywhere.
