Thursday, February 26, 2009

They Offered, I Accepted

So I have a new job! I will be the Volunteer Coordinator for Southern Care Hospice starting next Wednesday. I will be recruiting, training, and supervising volunteers. Will certainly be considerably different that what I did before but I'm ready for a change. Looking forward to it.


  1. Absolutely wonderful! I knew you'd find something. I anticipate that you'll do fabulous in this job, even though it's not what you're used to doing. You've had some health issues, so you have sorta "walked in your clients shoes", which gives you great insight. You're also very good at explaining how to do things without making someone feel stupid, so I know you're going to do GREAT!

  2. That is great! I am sure you'll do really well. I've always felt a person should never retire, just change careers. Blessings!!

  3. Thanks, guys! (Said that yesterday but it disappeared somewhere in cyberspace so I'm saying it again. Now it'll probably come back and you'll think senility has set in!)
