Sunday, March 01, 2009

Yesterday was a gorgeous day in Jacksonville. Sunny, dry, temperatures in the low 70's. The kind of day I once used as an excuse to take the day off and do absolutely nothing. Yesterday I took 1-1/2 hours during the middle of the day and went to Starbucks. Ahhh!! Luxurious laziness!

Along toward evening it started to change. Wind picking up, temperature dropping, clouds moving in. This morning when I got up it was raining off and on, but I didn't think anything about it until I was leaving Wal-Mart after my grocery shopping. It hit me then that this was like a cold, rainy November day in northern Pennsylvania. If I had been deer hunting, it would have been great. As it was, it was just plain nasty.

Now, the rain has more or less stopped and the sky has started to clear. It might not be too bad after all.

Cindy's father and uncle are here for a few days, so this afternoon we're going to have a mini-reunion with them, Amanda and her family, Joey (if he shows up), and Christy (if she shows up). Cindy, Amos, and Herb are at church, Amanda is on her way, and I have the house to myself (with the dog, Luke) for at least a few minutes. No laziness here though. I've put away the groceries, started laundry, cleaned the kitchen, and started working on meatballs for spaghetti. Pretty good, huh?


  1. Grocery shopping, cleaning, laundry, and cooking dinner--I know just how you feel! But Starbuck's coffee--can't like that!

  2. Hot and black. Everything else is a corruption. I like my coffee, but I may have to quit drinking it. I am beginning to suspect that I may have developed an allergy or sensitivity to it. Don't know for sure so I've cut way back and today I didn't drink any. Going to go without for a while and see what happens.

  3. I like hot & black too but French Roast--Starbucks is too dark a roast for me.
