Monday, April 20, 2009

I'm back!!!

Hello!!! Well guess what??? I ain't too smart either!! It took Bert and Brad working together to figure out why I couldn't post....I was actually using instead of as my signin.... After they figured it out---I could post guess you'll see more of me here!!!

Not much too new or should I say exciting here!! I live a very boring life....

Brad is doing good...He went back to the dr last week and they said everything looks good. Still has some pain in his knee and still has to keep the knee immobilizer on for another two weeks but...seems to be doing good... He would have liked to have the immobilizer off since he just went to Pittsburg from Wednesday to Sat for a competition . Its kinda like a "shop or tech ed" competition but has elements that are more like electronic and computer generated. Like one of the things he did earlier was build a bridge support system. Had to be so big and have so many supports and be able to hold so much weigh, etc. Then another thing was take a remote control car and tear it down and make it weigh only so much and make the chasis and all from scratch. It uses his mind and makes him think and of course that is what he loves... They stay in Pittsburg at a ski resort and so big hotel and so he really likes that..but this year couldn't swim which is one of the things that he really likes to do there. So back to the dr in two weeks and then probably approx 2 months of physical therapy....

Work is going ok. We had a girl quit in our unit so they "demoted" my boss so she knows processes claims. So after being there for almost 9 yrs--I have a new boss which means new things and new way of doing things and also new assignments. So far it's ok...a little different but still seems to be alright..In some ways it will be better and others....we'll wait and see... But it's all about doing more work than before, but still being paid the same but at least we have a job..

Gary's job is getting a little busier with spring and all. Last winter they cut out all overtime so that was a big pay cut.. Also took away the matching 401K but.... at least he's still also has a job and seems to be picking up so that is good.

Our paper business is changing and at this point not sure what that will mean to us. They are going from two daily papers to just one morning paper. They combined the Saturdays papers about a yr ago so that changed our route then. Not sure if that means we will do more papers, less papers or no papers at all. Or even if we'll have to do papers 7 days a week--(we don't really know that we want to do that but....) We should know by the end of April, I think they said so will be interesting to see what they do with that...

Well, better go..rambled on for awhile now.... worked in flower beds over the weekend.. That was nice.. Bob, Rose, Lee came for supper one night last week--that was nice. It's " yard sale" weather which I always enjoy so Rose and I went on Sat am--that was nice and fun.. Didn't buy a whole lot but had fun anyhow.

Hey Bobby send a picture of next year's cabin by email. Changed our "hard drive" on our computer and that was on the old one--wanted to show Gary..And Brad (our computer genius) can't get those pics transferred to this one yet..

write soon.


  1. Helen, and all interested. You can see the cabins at . Click on virtual tour and view the large cabin. Love, Bob

  2. Glad to see you back and have it all figured out, although, you need to do something about "The Boring Life". What happened to Brad's knee?

  3. He had knee surgery on 04/02/09. His knee cap slides off to the right when he walks...supposed to stay straight..Just the way he grew I guess..
