Sunday, April 05, 2009

Love them, love to see them go!

As you have probably already guessed, we had the grandkids with us for the weekend. Cindy went to babysit for Amanda on Friday morning and came back in the afternoon with them. She took them home this morning.

I love them dearly, but I'm glad that they are being brought up by someone else. At my age, I don't want to raise kids. Two nights once in a while is enough for me.

Anyhow, I'm by myself (and the dog). Oops, amend that, Cindy just walked in the door.

OK, I'm back. Had to take five minutes and get my wire cutters for her. She'd been to The Dollar Store and bought some fake wisteria to put in the window boxes. "Why?", you ask. I'll tell you, although the answer should be obvious--to put some color in them until the plants she put in yesterday take hold and start blooming. Personally, I like plastic flowers. They bloom all year long and don't require a lot of care. But then, that's just me.

Looks like its going to be a cool summer. Won't hurt my feelings at all. I hate the Florida heat and certainly it will be a relief on my electric bill if the AC doesn't run so much.

Well, I'm still beside myself (so's the dog). Guess I'll sign off and go do something else, like hold the sofa down for a while. Y'ever notice how they tend to get up and move around? Or is that called rearranging the furniture?

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