Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wednesday & All Is Well least I think it is! I spent most of the day listening to the Corporate Volunteer Consultant telling two other Volunteer Coordinators and myself about everything that we're "supposed" to do. Then after the others left, she went through my paperwork and made a lot of corrections. Makes my head spin.

My bathroom remodel customer is going along fine. I've been spending a few of my lunch hours working on that --meeting them to pick our tile, getting the plans drawn, etc. Not that I'm loosing weight missing lunch, I just eat on the run which means that I actually eat more!

I forgot to deliver two paintings last night until my friend called to remind me. By then I was in the bathtub. But the woman in charge was going near my house on her way home so was kind enough to stop to pick them up. Wade carried them out to her car for me so I didn't have to go out in my pjs. I have to deliver and hang 10-12 next week for a month long exhibit. That one has an opening reception on First Friday which is a city wide event every month. It's pretty well attended so usually quite a bit of fun. Then I really have to buckle down and prepare for a three person show in July--need some new work for that one since it's right down the street from the one in May and I don't want to show the same stuff every time.

Wade had no work this week. Helped a friend for three days but going to work around the house the rest of the week. We're really trying to get this house ready to put it up for sale.
Shadow is NOT helping. He is too big for the crate that we were keeping him in when we went out so we got a gate and lock him in the back hallway. Now he is peeling the wallpaper off--a little bit more each day. I had enough to patch the first day's damage but now that he is peeling off a little more each day, it's hopeless. I'll have to do something else with those walls.

I think I'm about due for a haircut. Just thought you'd wanna know that little tidbit.


  1. Let me get this straight. You were in the bathtub when the woman showed up to get the paintings. Wade carried them to her car so that you wouldn't have to go out in your pjs. What in the world were you doing in the bathtub in your pjs? Normally, people get in the bathtub without pjs, unless they intend to sleep there. Am I missing something here?

  2. woo hoo to the need for a haircut!!!!

  3. Had to smile at the "need for a haircut". Made an appt for mine yesterday... I usually make one then go b/c it's driving me nuts...make another one when I'm there but then end up canceling for scheduling conflicts then waiting and waiting til it's driving me nuts again!!! Not the hairdresser's best customer, I'm not....

  4. I'll second that! I think it's great. We had (have) some trouble with our dog, Luke. I had just put new wallpaper in our small bathroom. Somebody (not me) locked the dog in there and left him. When I came home, he had clawed the paper off the wall near the door so badly that I had to strip it off and replaster. Needless to say, I wasn't happy. Fortunately, I had enough bits and pieces left that I was able to patch it back together.

    Now, if I could just get him to stop jumping up on the door when he wants to go out or when Cindy comes home. I told her that I wouldn't repaint it until he stops doing that. Don't know when it will happen.

    Dogs! It's not the initial expense, it's the upkeep. Like women.

    Hope it all works out for you in your new job. Sounds like it's a bit of a challenge.

  5. Clarification: I was in the bathtub when Joanne called to ask why I didn't bring my paintings. When I came down in my pajamas and robe, Wade told me and I called her back. While she was talking to me, Sarah offered to stop at my house and pick them up on her way home. Which I greatly appreciated!!!

    No, I don't bathe in my pjs--that would be silly.

  6. Yeah, Roge---just silly!!!!!!!

  7. Well, I know it's silly, but I couldn't resist. Dad used to say, "I don't know what you meant, I only know what you said."

    I sleep in the bathtub sometimes. Not in my PJs, though. Actually, I guess maybe I do. Use your imagination. Or not.

  8. No, you can't. But if you ask real nicely, I'll get Cindy to take a picture which I will post for your enjoyment. Of course, "real nicely" is subjective and open to interpretation.

    By the way, I use bubbles.

  9. OOOOOhhh...I can get a mental picture and not sure I even want to even THINK about Roge taking a bath with or without bubbles.....
