Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Almost had it!

I thought I'd be able to post my latest painting sometime soon, but t'ain't gonna' happen. I kept getting more and more frustrated with it and finally took a break for a couple days.

I'm painting a picture I took of my dog in my house. I have a Linoleum type floor which looks like hardwood. Pretty durable too, because the dog and I don't tear it up when we play football, which is about every night. But...let's get back to the subject.

I kept painting and repainting the floor, but couldn't get it right. Finally, I decided the perspective was all wrong, so I wiped it out and started over. This time I drew the floor boards in with a pencil and straight edge. Even so, I had to go back and make some changes until I got it. I'll tell you, it's easier to paint a house. I should have it done in a week or so and I'll drop by so you can see it.

I'm learning new things every day and starting to catch on. It's going to be a fun ride.

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