Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Same ol', same ol'

Well, I've tried to write a few times recently but seems that life doesn't change much from one day to the next so if you guys bookmark this and read it when you are wondering about me then you'll know what I'm up to!

Work, School, Work, School, Work, School, Work, School, Work, School, School, Church, School!

And there you have my week!!

I'm finishing up my fall semester this week. This final class was..., well..., un.... UGH!!! A Sr. level theology course titled Humanity, Sin & Salvation, It was a ton of very deep, often dry reading, it covered a lot of area and assignments were strange and very detailed even though they didn't cover the whole breadth of the material....UGH! Well, now that is over so....Moving on. The Life of Christ is next and I think I'll enjoy that much more! I may (depending on how aggressive a schedule I keep) be able to graduate Next June...not this coming but in 2011 but if not then definitely should graduate in Dec '11.

So, there you have it. dinner is on so I've gotta run! Love ya all!


  1. Dull, boring life??? Happens to me too--work, dinner, bed, work, dinner, bed. . . . .

    Hi Beth. Good to hear from you.

  2. Do you stop long enough to eat or is it always "on the run"? Of course, if you run fast and hard enough while you're eating, you should be able to burn off the calories while you're stuffing them down. Or at least in theory.

  3. Roge, I've tested it extensively and your theory has a critical flaw....if you work the bugs out could you please let me know?! haha (or teehee)

  4. If you tell me what the "critical flaw" is, I'll get to work on it. Will I tell you if I reach a satisfactory conclusion--ahhh! To be or not to be, that is the bare bodkin...
