Tuesday, January 12, 2010

First thing I did when I got home this evening was to erase some of the lines and redraw them. Dang!!! Well, that was after I played football with the dog for five minutes or so. (We never know what the score is at the end, but time runs out when I decide to quit.)

Anyhoo, got started painting the floor again. Looks pretty good, but I reached a point where I couldn't make the colors work, so I quit. Started criticizing the lines and perspectives again, so I quit and started this post. Dang me!!! Engineers have a saying about the paralysis of analysis--in other words, you see so many things wrong that you never get anything done right. Gotta finish it, paint it, and move on. Probably it won't be too bad.

Phyl, do you ever have this problem?

Oh, in between times I cooked dinner and am expecting Cindy momentarily. Candlelight, soft music, butternut squash and baked chicken. Why am I complaining?


  1. What happened to my comment to yesterdays post?????? I don't remember what I said but, at the time, I thought it was quite profound! Something about the bar being raised with every improvement in your painting.

    Certainly I've had those same problems. I have thrown away SOOOOOO many paintings that I've long ago lost count. Sounds to me like you're expecting too much of yourself. You're a beginner--relax and have fun learning. If you're still working at 16 x 20, try something smaller. The principle is simple--100 small starts will teach you more than 10 large finished paintings. And if you decide to throw it away, it isn't so traumatic. Once you learn the principles of good composition, perspective, color, value, etc., it's easy to move up to something bigger. And you cannot learn them by reading a book--practice, practice, practice!!!

  2. Practice is what I'm doing. Night after night after night. However, you're wrong. I know what I'm capable of and I understand that I have to start at the beginning and get there over time, so I'm not terribly focused on getting it perfect the first time. There comes a time where you have to say, "This is good enough, let's move on". I don't have a problem with that.

    I am on a pretty steep learning curve. Every night I pick up something new, which is a good thing. Someday, though, I'm going to have to take a break from the "hands on" and spend some time with the "head" knowledge, i.e., classes, books, etc. I know where I'm deficient.

    Throw away my paintings? Are you kidding? They are improving by leaps and bounds. Cindy says I'm already better than many of the people she takes classes with. If I get rid of them, I'll give them away. Hear that, Helen?

  3. Oh, by the way, last night I went back and painted over an entire section of the floor, again. Only a small section, though. Looks much better now. It's really coming together. You'll be pleased when you see it.

  4. I keep loosing my comments!

    I'm just glad you're doing it and having fun.
