Friday, January 01, 2010

Good News

I spoke to Rose on the phone on Monday evening. I flat out asked her if she wanted a divorce, she said "NO!". I told her then that she needed to make a decision soon whether she wanted to be my wife and live with and love me, or not - one way or the other. We also discussed some other things and I laid my feelings on the line about a lot of it - I said just what I felt. I did not converse with her at all on Tuesday. On Wednesday, I noticed there was a missed call from her on my phone, so when I got home from work, I called her back. She told me at that time that she was ready to come home, but needed to earn some money to pay for the trip. Also, she was nervous about driving home alone. I told her that I would fly out and we could drive back together. Sooo. I am flying to Omaha on the 27th of January and we will then take 3-4 days to drive home. We are planning to drive into Kentucky and Weet Virginia and do some sightseeing on the way home. This will also give us a great time to talk over and hopefully through some of the issues, and maybe get us started on the road to recovery.
Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers during this time and after. Do not hesitate to call or write and check up on us. We love you all. Bob


  1. Hey - been meaning to call you again but since you didn't call back the last time....well, ok - not really my reason - just been busy but will call soon. I talk to Rose quite a bit on-line and she told me today she is coming home -- So glad to hear it. Will continue to pray for you guys. It won't be easy but you can do it. I'm on vaca next week so will try to call you then! Love ya, B.

  2. That is great! You are the MAN! Now, because you are the man, you have to show Rose the way. Love her the way she is, not the way you want her to be. Forgive and never mention it again. Be patient. Stay calm. Don't get angry. Make the necessary changes in yourself to accomplish what you want. Become the man she can love.

    Man, who am I kidding? These are the things I tell myself. The things that I have trouble with and have to struggle to conquer.

    Bobby, little brother, you are not alone. Have a good trip back.

  3. I am SO glad to read this!! love you both!

  4. I'm delighted. I'm sure it'll be hard sometimes and Jan 27th seems like a long way away yet so I'll be praying for you lots.

    We all struggle sometimes ya know!

  5. Yeah the 27th is a LOOOONG time off. I am not a very patient person anyhow, and I am anxious to go, but I will make till then.
    I know that there will be struggles for us to regain what we had, but I am confident that it will work. I know I want it to, and I am sure that Rose has come to the place where she wants it to, too. We are and have been talking about what we need to do differently, and are willing to make the changes.
    Thanks for everything - continue to love and challenge and pray for us.
