Tuesday, May 05, 2009


  1. just click on picture to view larger image. This is cindy - not quite sure how this thang works but here is ROGERS FAV campsite down here. We are going camping next weekend and I cant wait to escape! Between work and school i dont know whether Im commin or goin!!! Hope ya'll are doin fine . . . miss the mountains, but not enough to leave the beach!

  2. This is NOT Cindy. I've explained this "thang" to her at least two or three times.

    At any rate, what you are looking at is a panoramic view of Lot #39 at Little Talbot State Park, which is where we will be in four days. The other picture is also a panorama from the dock location at the river.

    These are an offshoot of a class project she had to do. Each picture is a 360 degree shot, which takes about 15 separate pictures strung together on her computer seamlessly.

    They look really great on the computer, but they're pretty heavy resolution wise, so it's not "economical" to upload them to the blog, except as a small shot. You should be able to get a good look, however.

    I'll think about you when I'm there with my feet propped up and I'm half asleep. That is, if I remember.

  3. Cool!!! I'm anxious to go camping this year too but it's a little cool (and now wet!!) up here yet. We do have our camper set up in our backyard...slept in it 4 nights I think when it was so hot but....not now when it's chilly and wet... But soon, we'll take her out....to "pure laziness!!!" Oh my......can't wait!!

  4. Hey Roge, cked out the campground online. where is your site? cool pictures though!! Did Cindy see they have a photo contest? Maybe she could win!!

  5. Lot #39. I am only interested in the best, even if I have to wait for it. Nothing else will do. If I live to be 150, I'll probably be a regular snob. Don't have to worry about that too much, I should say. Living that long, that is. The other I'm not going to rule out.
