Saturday, May 30, 2009

Evolution, More or Less

It was bound to happen.

Sooner or later, regardless of whether I talked about it or not, the rain had to cease, the skies had to clear, and the sun had to appear. At the very least, this is an argument for science and against superstition. But, let's not get too philosphical here.

It hasn't rained (much) lately, just a sprinkle now and then. Today, the sky is somewhat overcast with occasional sunshine bursting through. At least it's dry, although in places the ground is still quite soggy.

I mowed my lawn this morning and spent quite a little bit of time thinking about my landscape. This is radically different than north-central PA, where we put something in the ground and it grew, at least until the frost killed it. I'm starting to realize that I have to work within the local conditions in order to grow anything, so...instead of trying to kill all the shoots which pop up from the tree next to my deck, I'm allowing them to grow and pruning them off. Eventually, I will have a hedge. My cactus is growning quite well since I put some pine needle mulch around it. A flowering plant which Cindy put in a few years ago is growing dramatically, although it needs to have a trellis of some sort (I'm thinking of building a circular cage out of concrete wire 5' high and about 3' in diameter.) I planted a fern in one area which can't even grow grass. It's taken root and appears to be growing robustly. One unexpected benefit is that it also had a grape vine with it, which I'm training towards the tree next to it. I'm thinking about planting a Confederate Jasmine next to my deck which will (eventually) take over the lattice and create a privacy vine, not to mention that the flowers are beautiful.

Et cetera, et cetera...You get the point. Now, if I could figure out what to do with the dog poop!


  1. Hey!!! Where went my comment??

    I just said that I thought you were moving so wondered why you were fixing up the old place? Same reason we're fixing up the old place even though we want to move?!

  2. Well, you know how it is. Moving is something I want to do, but it just doesn't compute. At least not yet.

  3. There's a saying--"The spirit is willing..."
