Sunday, May 17, 2009

It's the boring....Knauer"s

Not much too exciting going on here. Work, sleep, work, sleep..that's the story of our life...

Today is Scott's Birthday... It's hard to believe he is 23 yrs old..Wasn't that long ago that he was just a little baby or at least a little boy!! I know, I know...I am getting old... They went to Williamsburg to celebrate their anniversary--it was last Sunday.. They stayed here last weekend cuz of Mother's Day (isn't that nice of them??) They came on Sunday, and we had chicken, (Walmart was out of ribs--my favorite meal!!). Then they went home to eat to eat their top of cake--Gary said ours wasn't too good, when we ate ours(YEARS ago---I can't even remember...

Then we played Shanghi--a card game we played years ago--remember Beth, Bob and Rose? We were going to play Shanghi at the reunion but forgot about it, I guess... Maybe this year....It was fun..

When Rose was down to Beth's she was talking about making this planter... You take a big planter on the bottem, Put a pipe or rebar in it, then put a flower pot with the hole part of the way up (fasten with waterpipe clamp(?)) and let the pot tip over to the side, you plant your flower in it tipped over. Then you keep going til the top... I was gonna do two for our patio this year but kinda forgot,, Then was at yard sale yesterday--saw some clay pots and thought oooooh, I can do that... Was anxious to try it...I said something to G about welding the rebar or pipe to a flat metal on the bottem, he said about making a concrete (after all he's a concrete man!) clump and putting the rebar in that...Not sure what we will do in the end... Let me know if you've seen any or if you did it, Rose..

I finished most of my mulch and planting of flowers yesterday... Keep seeing more flowers that I would love to plant... but it looks nice. Two years ago, I brought at a yard sale a lilac bush but Gary and I could never agree where we should plant it.. so it stayed in the flower bed, in the pot by the butterfly bush...Got roots and all coming out of the pot,, we finially agreed--and I planted it yesterday afternoon.... But made a little new bed so can plant more flowers in there too!!! Yippee!!!

Did you guys sign that thing for Laura? And send it out yet? What did you think?

Man I do ramble on... so sign off for ya.


  1. I didn't sign it yet but did put it in my purse so I can stop to get it notarized. I was surprised that Medicaid didn't take it all and a bit distressed to see how much Smith-Barney lost in the financial markets. I'm glad she had it for a short time but wish she could have enjoyed more of it. But she's living in luxury now, I'm sure!

  2. Man, you do ramble on. Or should I say woman?

    I am totally confused by the paragraph about the planter that Rose told you about when she was down to Beth's and mentioned taking a big planter on the bottem (sic)and putting a pipe in it and putting a flower pot on the pipe tipping and planting your flower which is also tipping and doing that again and again until you reach the top and then welding a bar on the bottom and then filling the whole thing with concrete...Whew!!! Sorry, gotta stop and catch my breath.

    Question: If you tip the flower enough, will it become an upside-down tomato?

  3. One more question. When you put the flower pot with the hole part of the way up on the pipe, do you mean that the flower pot has the hole part of the way up or do you put the flower pot (which has the hole) part of the way up from the bottom of the pipe?

  4. Seriously now, I have to admit that I was shocked when I say what had happened to Laura's money. Considering what is happening, however, I'm not surprised.

    Where did all that money go? If someone (or company, bank, investment firm, etc.) loses $100,000,000.00, doesn't someone else (see above) have to gain $100,000,000.00 or part thereof? How could all that money just evaporate? Does the money supply (M1) just shrink? Who ended up with it?

    I probably never will know the answers to these questions, but I do know that someone, somewhere is getting rich and I know that it ain't me. How does that make me feel? The only answer I can give you was written thousands of years ago in Psalms 2--"The kings of the earth set themselves together and say, 'Let us cast off the restraints which have bound us so that we can do as we please'. Then He Who resides in Heaven laughs at their impudence and smashes them with the might of His fierce anger." (Very loosely paraphrased)

    Somewhere in Proverbs it says, "When a man's ways please the Lord, he makes even his neighbor to be at peace with him." This is what I strive for. All that other stuff is too much for me.

    Have faith, my brothers and sisters. Have faith.

  5. OK--mine is notarized and in the mail.

    I didn't get the idea of the flowerpot thing either--can you draw me a picture?

  6. By the way, tell Scott and Allison we said "Hey, and congratulations."

  7. Phyl, sorry guess I don't know how to describe it..I'm not very good at drawing but maybe Rose can--she can draw better than me..Maybe will get Gary to build it this weekend and then can take a picture...anxious to try...

    Roge, you made me laugh when I was reading your "non-serious" comment....Your humor is the same as years ago...who else can twist what I say all around and make me sound stupid??? It's okay...

  8. Well, I'll tell you what, Lil' Sis. You're not stupid at all. I have never thought of you in that way. In fact, in your own way, you're as smart as anyone else even if you do "ramble on" at times. Hey, we all have our moments and we're all wired differently. Be yourself and enjoy it.

    I found your description extremely funny. And confusing. It was not my intention to say anything to offend you and if I did, I apologize. I remember that I said we need to cool it with the comments only a short time ago. Maybe I should listen to myself more often.

    God is love. I'm trying to get there.

  9. Oh, Roge. I wasn't offended AT ALL.. It just tickles me to think that you still have the same kind of humor that we saw 30 or 35 (oh my!!) years ago...remember you telling us to just get to the point???? I LOVE it!! Keep it up..reminds me of Dad too--not that he laughed at what I said...Just a good sense of humor at the funny things in life...

    I don't think we have to write and worry if we offended anyone. We are what we are and we need to be truthful and also "poke" fun at each other--that's a good thing...If we can't do that to each other, then what do we have.... I LOVE our relationships more now than ever and let's enjoy each other...We never know how long we will have each other so....let's talk, "poke fun" and just enjoy each other... Rambling on....who me??

  10. Thanks for your comment. I'll keep that in mind and try not to get too far off.
