Just adding a photo of the house to prove that I do a bit of gardening. The yard is looking pretty good right now except for one area that got out of control last summer. So I'm moving some of those flowers to Glenburn and giving some to friends for their gardens and allowing the lawn mower to deal with the weeds, etc.
We are trying to get things together to start building our new house. Wade is unemployed and starting his retirement. He likes to stay busy so that'll be a good project for him. Crunching the numbers and getting everything lined up is a test of his patience though.
I'm working --well, sort of working--in some ways this job is the easiest one I've ever had and in some ways, it's just impossible to do what's expected.
I had some sales at the recent art shows that I did and have to get stuff ready for the next couple. Have not been painting much this year--too many things distracting me. But I had to go out to Mahoopany last week to meet one of my volunteers and the scenery was so beautiful that I hope I have to go there again and will take along my paints and use my "lunch" break to start something.
Shadow has gotten quite big! He seems to be getting a bit more calm too--about a year old now, we think. Maybe I'll get pictures of him for the blog. Please note the "maybe" and don't hold your breath while you're waiting.
Today I had my chemo. Only two more times to go! This medicine doesn't make me sick though so it's really more of a inconvenience. I had a MRI last week and they said "no new abnormalities". Still have plenty of doctor appointments--and a few more tests coming up. Still.........I'm feeling ok and glad they know what to do!
That's great you're doing so well! Flowers look nice, too. Good to see you back in print.