Friday, June 19, 2009

I landed in Jax Thursday morning at about 0940. No problems, but the air was a little bumpy. Cindy and I were glad to see each other again.

I want to thank each of you for your hospitality while I was with you. I had a wonderful time and wish that this vacation didn't have to end. Fortunately, I still have two days left before I have to hit the "grindstone" again.

Amanda brought the babies over Thursday afternoon and left them with us. She'll pick them up sometime Saturday. They are a handful, but we sure do enjoy them. They (Justin, Amanda, and kids) will be moving to New Jersey next Friday, so it's going to be quite a while before we see them again. It appears that Joey will be moving to Tampa which isn't quite as far, but it's not just around the corner either. Cindy's taking it pretty hard. Her whole world has been those kids and now they're gone.

We're still planning to move to Montana next spring. Nothing to hold us in Florida now except inertia. I'm going to be working overtime between now and then to build up my savings account. Wish us well. We're going to need it.


  1. Glad to see you, Roge. Wish we could see you more but...oh well.. This is better than not talking to you at all so that is good..Glad for the emails, blogs, internet...

    Are Justin and Amanda gonna live with Justin's mom up there too then? Do they have jobs lined up up there in NJ already? Tell them we wish them the best--and Lanc Co isn't so far from NJ if they want to come and just get away for awhile--we'd love to meet and see them all!!!

  2. They will be living with his mother for a while. Somerset County, I believe. She mentioned Hillsborough. I think it's between Princeton and Newark, so it won't be terribly far from you or Beth, probably closer to Phyl. She has mentioned that she wants to see you after they get established. I will be giving her your addresses and phone numbers.
