Thursday, June 25, 2009


Hey, Helen, tell Gary that I'm sorry I missed his party....I spent all evening on the sofa then moved to my bed and didn't get up until 8:20 this morning! I just felt "yucky"! Well, we are gearing up for VBS at church and I'm directing this year so needless to say I go right from remodel to graduation to VBS....I'm usually much better at time management than that so I'm not sure what happened this year (except maybe denial about graduation since that seems to be what I forgot to factor in!)...I guess, truth be told, I had no idea that the graduation thing takes up so much time! Seemed like for about 2 weeks every night was something that we were doing for it! Oh well, over now and she starts college in the fall. Well, it's 12:18 am so I'm off to bed! I'll write again!

1 comment:

  1. If Gary's birthday had been just a little bit sooner, I could have been there for it. Actually, your computer posted the time at 12:14 not 12:18, so maybe the problem with "yucky" and not getting up until the day is half spent is that your clock is off. Look at the bright side. If you reset to match the computer, you'll gain four minutes.
