Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Told you I'd get them!

These pictures were taken at Anastasia State Park in St. Augustine on Sunday, March 08, 2009 by Cindy. Shown are Emily, Brianna, Gabriel, Amanda, Justin, and Roger. (not necessarily in that order)


  1. They are really cute! Must have inherited it from you!

  2. They did! All of them take after me. The littles, that is. I didn't have anything to do with Justin, and Amanda won't admit it.

  3. hey . . .I think they take after their gramma!!!

  4. So adoreable and cute!! And now that I've met Amanda and Emily in person it makes it all the more special..Thanks for posting them!!! Maybe will get down there and meet ALL your grandbabies some day....and Justin too of course!!!

  5. Well, that's going to be difficult since we have three in Tioga County (Jennies). But we'd be glad to show you the ones we have here.

  6. I know....I meant I would like to see Brianna and Gabriel and Justin... maybe someday.....
