Monday, March 30, 2009

Well!!! I'm in over my head.

This working for a living is messing with my schedule! And all of those things that I said I had time to do because I wasn't working now need to be done! Trying to remember to do everything and get it done on time is ...................yeow...............starting to make me feel a bit crabby. Everyone at work seems to think that I'm worried about the job and they're all telling me that I'm doing ok. Actually, if all I had to do was the job, I'd be fine---it's all of the other stuff! Taxes, art shows, church flowers, plein air picnic paintouts, helping friends remodel, helping former customers with another project, house cleaning, banking, groceries, raking the leaves out of the flower gardens, planning a new house, getting this old house ready to market, and who knows what else.

What's wrong with me??? And why am I asking you--since most of you are as bad or worse than I am???

And it's only Monday! Maybe I'll have some ice cream and go soak in the bathtub!


  1. Sometimes, the only time I have is to post a comment....will get to the blogging later.

    I think it's hilarious that you're asking us why you have more on your plate than any one person can handle. You....who have always told me and several others of us...that we can "choose" what we do... Happy choosing!!

  2. I am supposed to take an hour for lunch every day at work. Do you think that happens? Generally, I don't stop at all. I've thought before that I should make a deliberate effort to stop. After all, the work isn't going anywhere.

  3. No it isn't. And my guess is that no one really appreciates the fact that you work through lunch!

    With my new job, I have an hour for lunch. I've been doing the ten minute grab something to eat and keep working for so many years that I really don't always know what to do with an hour off in the middle of the day.
