Friday, March 27, 2009

so much to do so little time!

Every week I tell myself I'm going to sit down and "blog" a little, see how much that has happened!
We've also been taking in a little culture - High School culture but still fun! -- so far this year we saw "The Music Man" and "Hello Dolly" - Oklahoma is scheduled for next weekend! Area high schools with friends in each of them so we go and enjoy! They've actually been quite good productions!
Destruction has begun - you know, the destruction that must come before the construction?! We are going to be adding a bathroom downstairs and will be doing some cosmetic work in the kitchen - adding beadboard around the bottom, new wallpaper on the top, paining cabinets, vinyl floor tile in kitchen, bath & laundryroom....we've packed away the things that were on the walls and have started removing the old wallpaper. my brother in law in builing a cabinet to put over the washer/dryer so that we can move the stuff from the cabinet on the wall in what will be the new bathroom. Next weekend he will hang the cabinet and begin to tear up the floor, etc....Bob, Rose & Maybe Lee maybe Val are coming down in 2 weeks to do the plumbing, electrical work for the new bathroom and some other "honey-do" jobs (sssshhhh don't tell them about the others!) so my next several weeks will be crazy. Good news is that we went to Carpet Mart to find new wallpaper and they are getting out of the Wallpaper business so all of their's was $2 per roll - bad news is that we decided at that price to get enough to do up the steps and the hallway as well as my bedroom -- all together -- 22 rolls of wallpaper to be hung! -- that sounds like work to me! -- all of that at the same time that work is going crazy.
We are merging two offices at work and the office that will be closing seems to have fallen to my responsibility because only my staff had recently been working there. Lots and lots of work to be done - things to be packed up, decisions to be made, etc. and all while the normal work load continues as usual. -- aaahhh , just a little busy!
Oh yeah, and....I'm teaching a young adult SS class and directing VBS so, in my spare time....I sleep! balance - it is all about balance - and I do pretty well with the balance thing except I had no idea that the office closing would be mine to deal with and that means I travel to Media (about 1 hr away) at least 1 day per week. Oh well, this too shall pass! I'll write again soon!


  1. Is it better to blog a little regularly or a lot once in a while? Good to see you! Now, where are those other lazy rascals?

    I understand about the work. It seems that no matter how bad it gets, I have more work. When the company lays off, that work comes to the ones who are left. A lot of it comes to me. So now, I'm managing projects, pounding nails, estimating small remodels, designing, selling, and streamlining, in addition to trying to keep my desk fairly well organized. That doesn't include anything that I do at home.

    Ah, yes, there's always work.

  2. least you're not bored!
