Monday, March 23, 2009

Wasting Time

Not much new to report so I'll just waste a little time with this post. The weekend was good. I got some housecleaning done on Sat. Then after church on Sun, I went to help my friend with the kitchen layout of the house that she and her husband are remodeling. Wade is doing the electrical work there on the days that he is unemployed. Then home for a nap and off to our Sunday night small group. We eat together every Sun evening and then have a Bible study. Right now we are watching "The Road to Armageddon" video series. Each one is done by a different speaker--some are great and some are a little too dry & deep. Last night was a good one. It's over by 8 pm so we can make it to work on Mon. morning without too much trouble--although this morning was the first time the alarm went off in a long time.

I'm trying to get back into some sort of rhythm. Not easy after all those months off from work. But I'm feeling good these days so I'll adjust quickly I'm sure. I think the job is going well--trying to develop my program and get things in order since the position was unoccupied for quite a while before they hired me. Don't like cleaning up the files, etc. but at least I'm learning what not to do. And I think I have some really good program ideas--we'll see if other people like them enough to volunteer to help!

My crocuses are blooming and daphne is ready to bloom!


  1. How can Wade work when he is unemployed? Isn't that a contradiction in terms?

    It's good to hear things are going well for you and that the crocuses are blooming. What is daphne?

  2. He's always working whether or not he is at work.

    Daphne is a small flowering bush that Wade's mother gave me about 30 years ago. It has small purple flowers and a very nice scent. And it's nice since it blooms SOOOOOO early!
