Wednesday, March 11, 2009

End of a Long, Hard Day!

I left the job early today and went home without going back to the office. I can do that. Quite often, I'll go back there and work for an hour or so on Auto Sketch, but today I was more interested in my dinner, bath, and bed. Not necessarily in that order.

It's getting harder every year to go out and work like I did when I was twenty or thirty. I think all my accumulated ailments are catching up. Let me tell you about my lumbago! Or not. White collar is better than blue collar, but as long as things are slow, blue collar is definitely better than none. I'll just have to slow down some.

The funeral for Eric Hotchkiss will be held Friday at 1:00 in Gainesville. I'm taking the day off. I can do that too. I still haven't decided whether to pull a vacation day or work Saturday to make up for it and keep my vacation. Guess I don't have to decide right now. Too much work.

1 comment:

  1. Your lumbago cannot possibly be as bad as my lumbago!
